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It’s incredible how far we’ve progressed not just as a species, but the Internet itself. What’s even more incredible is the increasing pace by which this improvement is accelerating.
Used to be, people made pages in HTML and once online, made them available to anyone with an Internet connection around the world. Today, this fundamentality still stands, but the concepts that hold them together are ever-shifting. And today, pages posted online have given way to self-sufficient transactional engines that allow one to hail a cab or ride, or order food and products online, to have them delivered to their home.
This revolution is still underway and is in fact still only in its early stages. And it is almost invisible because people have quickly accepted their use and ubiquity, that they partake in these transactions as consumers without much thought, just knowing that such convenience is available at their fingertips.
It is becoming so commonplace now– and in fact accelerated by global pandemic lockdowns– that they become so useful as to become invisible because they are now a part of everyday life. Like refrigeration, plumbing, and electricity, they are integral to everyday life, yet noticeable in themselves only when they don’t work. And therein lies a bottomless wellspring of opportunities for businesses.

The trend has moved from pages to interactive sites, to dynamic sites (like social media) to mobile apps to a constellation of various media (apps, social media, website, newsletters, video, etc.) and bringing them together as a collective, cohesive package.
It isn’t enough to have just one or two or even a handful. It is imperative that your business has a presence on them all. You have to build it, because the benefits are also undeniable. The end result is more sales and ideally, more profits, without the normal capital and expense normally associated with such an increase in returns.
It can get complicated, and technology being what it is, it can get tricky because it isn’t just the expertise that is involved, but keeping pace with their rapid changes and advances. Thankfully you can let experts do this for you.
And just as trends get bigger and more complex, so do their benefits.
Case in point: web pages have given way to interactive sites and today, the concept that provides for the most bang for the dollar is ecommerce. Not just the business of putting pages on the Web, but making transactions and literally doing business online. And what gave way to the early stages of e-commerce when the likes of Amazon opened a store online for millions of others to follow, has now transformed into the entity that has become a tool for which those that wield it also has the opportunity to concentrate high potential for the present as well as the future. This means e-commerce stores, and to a larger degree, entire multi-vendor marketplaces.
And CloudMarketplaces was founded to provide this solution: develop the online presence of its clients so that they can exploit the many and even unique qualities of the Internet for the benefit of their business.
Whether you’re a small shop on the road, or a mom-and-pop outlet, or a multi-national enterprise; we can help take your company to the stars, and reap the benefits there.
We’re here if you’re looking for a simple online presence or an online store for your products. And we’re here if you’re seeking a fully-functional platform with multiple sides that partake in transactions (buyers and sellers) occurring in real-time. And we’re here to provide you with the solution that may not even fit any of our packages, but that are opportunities uniquely suited for your business. And once that’s done, we’ll still be here to consult with you and maintain your online assets, if you so wish. That will be up to you, but whatever the case, whatever your needs for your infrastructure online– your engine, if you will– we can develop and get it going, and keep on bringing you the advantages and sales to take your business to the next level.
And the levels after that.
Welcome to CloudMarketplaces. We build marketplace platforms. And we’d like to build your rocket ship to profiting from business online.
No limits for creativity! We break all boundaries if they happen on our way of project’s development!Working on your projects includes generating bold ideas, picking up suitable color scheme and preparing a bulk of options for your selection.Our vision is to turn design into art and become your go-to place for engaging imagery.